Yes, a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charge can still stick in Illinois even if you didn’t blow (refused a breathalyzer test).

Illinois law allows for DUI charges to be based on evidence other than breathalyzer results, such as:

Field Sobriety Tests: If you failed field sobriety tests, this can be used as evidence against you.

Officer Observations: The arresting officer’s observations of your behavior, appearance, and driving can be used as evidence. This might include signs of impairment like slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, or the smell of alcohol.

Statements: Any statements you made to the police can be used against you.

Chemical Tests: Blood or urine tests conducted later can also be used as evidence if you consented to them.

Refusing a breathalyzer test in Illinois also leads to automatic penalties under the state’s implied consent law. This can include a summary suspension of your driver’s license for a year for a first refusal.

It’s advisable to consult with a DUI attorney to understand the specifics of your case and to receive proper legal guidance.

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